Walking tour🌸Plum flower Photogenic Cat Temple Setagay & Green long street
What you can experience ・Enjoy picnic and feel relaxing on the grass ・Playing some games while drinking (Jenga, UNO and Trump) ・Meet international people with open-minded and locals in Tokyo ・Get good information about places, food, travel and all you need to know about Japan ・Learn useful other lan

Date / Place
2024年3月02日 13:00 – 16:00 JST
経堂駅, 日本、〒156-0052 東京都世田谷区経堂2丁目1
🎁There is an advance reservation discount (required to get QR code) 事前予約割引あり🎁Plz get QR code to fill the form from same event titel then show it to reception. 対象のイベントから事前の記入をして、QRコードを提示ください。 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/upcoming-events
Have you been Walking on the Green forest lomng street Also, Gotokuji Temple where has 4000 Cats dolls in the temple? We gonna arrive at Hanegi park as a final destination for watching plum forest in the park. The park has over 700 plum tree! 長い緑道を通り、癒されながら散歩。そして、豪徳寺では4000体もの招き猫で縁起をもらい、羽根木公園で700本以上の梅を見ましょう
Gotokuji Temple : why cats During the Edo period, Naotaka Ii, the lord of the Hikone domain, encountered a cat beckoning when he passed in front of Gotokuji Temple. When I stopped by the temple, I saw a sudden thunderstorm. I was delighted to hear Osho's preaching along with the rain shelter, and promised to rebuild the temple. Later, it seems that this cat was called "Maneki Neko". 江戸時代、彦根藩藩主井伊直孝が豪徳寺の前を通りかかると手招きをする猫に遭遇。気になりお寺に立ち寄ると、突然の雷雨が。雨宿りと共に和尚の説法を聴けたことを喜び、お寺の再建を約束しました。のちに、この猫を「招福猫児(まねきねこ)」と呼び祀るようになったそうです。
Why Plum view Plums have been loved and loved by aristocrats. The elegant custom of the aristocrats at that time was "to sing a song." We held a song singing party while watching the plum blossoms from China. It is said that this became the prototype of the current cherry blossom viewing. 貴族を中心に好まれ、愛されてきた梅。当時の貴族の優雅な風習といえば、「歌を詠む事」でした。中国からやってきた梅を見ながら、歌を詠む会を開きました。これが現在の花見の原型になったといわれています。
今回のウォーキングツアーを通して写真を勉強したい人はプロのオーガナイザーに聞いてください。 フォトジェニックなポイントもたくさん。で散歩をしながら写真を撮り友達も作りましょう📷
Pick up point on 13:00 Front of Ticket tall gate of ticket gate of Kyoudo station. https://goo.gl/maps/YBVaVzd4eBhbcaqn7
Program ・13:00 sign up and self introduction ・13:15- leaving a starting point
①Kyodo Ohashi Park https://goo.gl/maps/Ux8YxvSFYmjZnBsv7
②Toriyamakawa Ryokudo lomg street https://goo.gl/maps/SDffWQRvSSMP9nSY7
③Toriyamakawa Ryokudo Street MANYO NO Shogyo 万葉の小径 https://goo.gl/maps/hLQMfndtMiVPqt1s5
④たこやき https://maps.app.goo.gl/4uoBvmjXYUaU5EJJ8
⑤Gotokuji Temple https://goo.gl/maps/bd9wca5BeSsTzede8 Over 4000 Cats doll there.
⑥Hanegi Park https://goo.gl/maps/epsFtWnACGQtDHHY6 700 plum Tree
take group picture. exchange contacts集合写真や連絡先交換撮った写真を見せあってください。 Ending an event.
About Event Host : Photographer and working for photos. So, you can ask him any thing and technics to take picture. https://www.instagram.com/uphoto_tokyo/
plz join if you are applicable below ・if you like a Tour ・If you want explore something new in the city ・if you want to know a Tips of photo ・If you want to make friends ・if you want to walk in the beautiful city ・ Socializing 〇ツアーが好きなら 〇街で新しい物や事を見つけたい人なら 〇カメラのコツを手に入れたいなら 〇食べ物が好きなら 〇美しい街を歩きたいなら 〇ソーシャライジングの時間が欲しい方 Photogenic point ・Daytime/Sunset View of Town ・Object in the Town ・Street food ・Portrait ・Nature
【Details 】 13:00-16:00 ※come to pick up point. also plz comment on event page if you gonna be late for pick up time. ・Meetup fee: Reservation with QR code ticket : https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/upcoming-events
(advance payment Online with QR CodeTicket)
- 〇 Male / Female : 1000yen
(Without QR Code ticket by Cash Only Reservation on SNS)
- 〇 Male / Female : 1500yen or can not join
(Without QR Code ticket /Only Reservation on SNS) 2000YEN
〇Not included Any drink and food 〇含まれない すべての飲食代
【Precautions for participation 参加前の注意事項 必読】 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/notes-on-participation
【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/eicomukiyaku-1
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Ticket for RSVP
Online Pay 1000YEN
no refund afterpay