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🍫Valentine❤️Single International Party👧🏼Only 20' 30's🧸LadyFreeChoco💓Shibuya



Lad's garage Shibuya

What you can experience ・Talk with people from the same generation (20's-30's) ・Playing some games while drinking (Jenga, UNO and Trump) ・Meet international people with open-minded and locals in Tokyo ・Get good information about places, food, travel and all you need to know about Japan

Registration is Closed
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🍫Valentine❤️Single International Party👧🏼Only 20' 30's🧸LadyFreeChoco💓Shibuya
🍫Valentine❤️Single International Party👧🏼Only 20' 30's🧸LadyFreeChoco💓Shibuya

Date / Place

2024年2月14日 19:30 – 22:00

Lad's garage Shibuya, 日本、〒150-0042 東京都渋谷区宇田川町13−11 KN渋谷1ビル B1


※This Party: Only Single Person available to attend.

Valentine in Japan

Yep, you've heard it before: February 14 in Japan is, ahem, different – women give men chocolate, and men, well, receive chocolate. Unlike elsewhere in the world, going on dates used to be rather rare, and nobody really cared even if you were single – aside from being the wet dream of every chocolate maker out there, V-Day was just another day.

💓FREE for Ladies campaign💓 Condition:

  • ・Arrive till 20:00
  • ・Get a Discount ticket with QR code from this event page

🎁There is an advance reservation discount (required to get QR code) 事前予約割引あり🎁

Plz click reservation button on this event page and fill the information then you recieve QR code by email. plz show your QR code to event host at venue. こちらから予約ボタンを押し情報入力し、emailで受信するQR コードを受付で提示ください。

🧸FREE Chocolate🍫

  • Present hours: 19:30 - 20:30・Strawberry・Fresh Cream Choco・Hazelnut・Macadamia・Coconut・Almond・Peanut・White&Dark

🍿Unlimited Popcorn🍿

  • You can eat unlimitedy


Plz choice ①~② and tell to event host at Reception.

  • 🍹① Cash on Delivery: Plz buy it at Bar from Menue(1杯づつ購入)
  • 🍹② ALL WE CAN DRINK : 1500Yen 20:00-22:00(・Beer ・ Cocktail and highball wines, ....Soft Drink..) / Buy Ticket at Event Reception
  • ※Drink cup exchange system
  • ※You Can not give to any other person
  • ※On time We stop "All we can drink"on 21:50 even if you are on the waiting line for drink.

After this Event: 22:30~ Shibuya All We Can Drink Party!

🎥Event Video雰囲気の動画  We can be relax with internationals at good location Shibuya. Let's drink & do games & have fun chat at nice venue😉😉 海外に行かずに海外に来たような雰囲気でリラックスして楽しく国際交流してみませんか🌟?東京で一番の国際交流で、一番のアットホームで安全安心な国際交流に参加し国際的なお友達を作りましょう。

What you can experience

  • ・Talk with people from the same generation (20's-30's)
  • ・Playing some games while drinking (Jenga, UNO and Trump)
  • ・Meet international people with open-minded and locals in Tokyo
  • ・Get good information about places, food, travel and all you need to know about Japan

About this event

  • ・You can get original profile card for knowing each other more easily
  • ・Exchange table chance to same design with you card which we give you them
  • ・This event is standing style, so you can easily move around to talk with a lot of people

Start 19:30 - Close 22:00

  • ・19:30 - 19:45 Sign up & Get drinksWe prepare wristbands so you may find our members easily.
  • ・19:45 - 21:45 Fun chat & Make new friendsThis bar is standing style, so you can easily move around to talk with a lot of people.
  • ・21:45 - 22:00 Closing time

◎About this organizer; Welcome Tokyo " usually we've organize more than 100 events every month.

◎The venue : "Lad's Garage Shibuya" is International Bar & Lounge and really big space & It's comfortable during your Meetup.

Drinks: Alchole Drink from 429Yen


(advance payment Online)

  • Ladies & STUDENT: 500YEN or FREE
  • Gentleman: 1000YEN

(Payment at Venue QR ticket)

  • ・Ladies & Gentleman : 1500Yen

(Without QR code(Only Reservation on SNS))

  • 2000Yen or Can not join.

※You need to buy your drink when you arrive.

【Precautions for participation 参加前の注意事項 必読】

【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】


気軽に友達が作れる場所を探していますか?同世代の様々な文化の人たちと知り合いたいですか?習得している(習得した)言語を話せる場所はありますか? このイベントでは20代30代の同世代の国際的な人たちと楽しい時間を過ごせます☆

Welcome Tokyoの20's&30's国際交流パーティー

  • ・20代30代の同じくらいの世代の人たちと話すことができる
  • ・このパーティでは友達作りのための特別なMAKE FRIEND CARDを用意しています☆
  • ・パーティ中に2・3回席替えタイムがあるので、たくさんの人と話すことができる
  • ・オープンマインドで国際的な人達と出会える
  • ・自分が学んでいる(学びたい)言語のインプット、アウトプットができる
  • ・より会話が盛り上がるよう、ジェンガやUNOなどのゲームを用意してます!



  • ・時間:19:30-22:00
  • ・場所:Lad's Garage 渋谷 (map)
  • ・参加費:
  • 🎁事前予約割引あり(開始時間の30分前までにQRコードの取得が必要です)



  • 女性・学生:500円または無料
  • 男性:1000円


  • レディース&ジェントルマン:1500円


  • 2000円または参加不可。
  • ※参加費と別にドリンク注文必須

Ticket for RSVP

  • Ladies OnlinePay

    No refound after pay plz pay by 30 minute before the event starting time

  • Student

    no Refund afterpay show your ID CARD and STUDENT CARD

  • Gentleman onlinepay

    no refund afterpay

  • Payment@ Venue by Cash 1500Yen

    plz pay at venue 1500YEN by cash

  • Use full stamp card pay byCash

    Use full stamp card pay byCash Online discounted pricing terms apply. You can pay in cash at the venue by deducting a full stamp card worth 500 yen from the online price. オンラインでのディスカウントされた価格の条件が適用されます。オンライン価格から満タンのスタンプカード500円分を差し引き会場で現金でお支払いいただけます。

  • Ladies Free

    Arrive by 20:00




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