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Morning 1on1 Only English Conversation @Shibuya




Morning 1 on 1 Only English Conversation Meetup☕ For Japanese : Brush up your English speaking level For Non-Japanese : Make Japanese friends and socialising For Travelers : You don't need to speak Japanese at only this meetup

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Morning 1on1 Only English Conversation @Shibuya
Morning 1on1 Only English Conversation @Shibuya

Date / Place

2020年2月02日 11:30 – 13:30

渋谷イタリアン・スパイスリー, 日本、〒150-0042 東京都渋谷区宇田川町13−16 コクサイビル A館 2F


 Morning 1 on 1 Only English Conversation Meetup☕ 

For Japanese : Brush up your English speaking level 

For Non-Japanese : Make Japanese friends and socialising 

For Travelers : You don't need to speak Japanese at only this meetup 

⭐Free for Non-Japanese⭐ 

Condition for Free entrance; 

1. Reservation by the day before (Reservation on the day: 500yen)

2. Show your ID & the reservation page at the reception 

Would you like to talk in only English over a cup of coffee? Do you want to meet new people who can speak English? Do you want to use your weekend morning meaningfully? Do you want to make friends in Tokyo? 



☕Let's use Sunday morning meaningfully!日曜日の朝を有効的に楽しく過ごしましょう☕ 


・1 on 1 Conversation System 

・We provide Fun "Topics Cards" & "Situation Cards" to help your communication. 

・Name tags for making friendship easily 

・Changing seats to give everyone the chance to speak with each others 

※Please RSVP予約してください。 

Show us the reservation page at the reception予約ページを受付で見せてください。(No Reservation予約なし: Plus 500Yen or Can not join)☆☆ 

【Event Schedules of ALLすべてのイベントスケジュール】 

♪ Good news for you ♪ 

Deliver our information of discount, campaign LINEでWelcomeTokyoのディスカウント・キャンペーン・定期情報を配信! LINE : 

【タイムテーブルTime table】 Starting 11:30〜 closing 13:30 

①1st English Conversation 10minutes 

1st changing seat 

②2nd English conversation 10minutes 

2nd changing seat 

③3rd English conversation 10minutes 

3rd changing seat & 5 minutes break 

④4th English 10mins 

4th changing seat 

⑤5th English 10mins 

5th changing seat 

⑥6th English 10mins 

6th changing seat & 5mins break 

⑦7th English 10mins 

7th changing seat 

⑧8th English 10mins 

8th changing seat 

⑨9th English 10mins 

**There might be a change in schedule. Our reservation will finish at 13:30. In case that you stay longer after the event, please leave the pub once & re-entry with your friends as regular customer. 

◯The venue : "European antique style & Bar "Spicely" is a Beautiful European antique style dining bar in Shibuya. There are a lot of beautiful design furniture and blue & Green & brown color so you can spend relax moment. Location is very useful, because it's just 4 minutes from JR Shibuya station! Drinks : 600yen ~ 

【 Details 】 

・Meeting point & time : Front of the venue 11:20 - 11:25 

・Meetup time : 11:30 - 13:30 

・Entrance Fee (No reservation→+500yen) 

◇Non-Japanese : FREE (with Condition) 

◆Japanese : 1000yen 

・Place : Spicely *Address: 2F 13-16 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya, Tokyo (map) 

・How to join : Click "going" on Facebook or RSVP on meetup in advance. *Drink is NOT included, so plz order your drink when you arrive. 

【Precautions for participation 必読】 

【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】 


・1対1の英会話 ※1 







 ※1. 国籍を問わず、様々なタイプの方と英会話をすることが目的です。 



・待ち合わせ: 会場前 11:20-11:25 

・会場:Spicely  *住所:東京都渋谷区宇田川町13-16 2F (map) 



◆日本人 : 1000円 ※参加費とは別にドリンクは必ずオーダーください。 

・Meetup time 11:30-13:30(10分ごとに席替えを行います。) 


#welcometokyomeetup #meetup #languageexchange #internationalfriends #welcometokyo #internationalpartytokyo #meetuptokyo #ミートアップ #東京言語交換 

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