Date / Place
2021年8月09日 17:30 – 20:00
渋谷区, 日本、〒150-0044 東京都渋谷区円山町2−6 J PLAZAビル 2F
🎁Summer Campaign🎁
ーFREE for Ladiesー
Condition for Free entrance;
Show the mobile ticket and your passport/register card at the reception.
🍹The best plan to enjoy Holiday night🍹
1. 17:30-20:00 Attend Meetup Party and Making new friends and new connection.
2. 20:30- Enjoy at the Night Club with new friends by special price.
💗Drink from 300 YEN / 50 kind for Meetup! ※Store gave us special discount for Meetup members😀 東京都の人数制限や感染防止対策を講じイベントを実施。 ・東京都防災HP:
[ Requirements ] -
To wear a facemask - To take your temperature at the reception - Your reservation - take your contact - Alcohol disinfection マスク着用、受付時の検温・事前予約・連絡先・アルコール消毒 About taking measures against covid-19 新型コロナウイルスの対策 | Welcome Tokyo
【Must-read 必読】
🎥Event Video雰囲気の動画
Do you want to make new friends ? Do you like to have fun conversations with some drinks? We can be relax with internationals. Let's drink & do games & have fun chat at nice venue😉
What you can experience
・Talk with people who share the same purpose
・Playing some games while drinking (Jenga, UNO and Trump)
・Meet international people with open-minded and locals in Tokyo
・Get good information about places, food, travel and all you need to know about Japan
・Learn useful other languages' phrase ・Output English, Japanese, French and other languages you learned About this event
・You can select one color which is depend by the purpose of attending Just Example(I'm looking for..) 🟧Orange : For Fun Time 🟩Green : language Friends 🟥Pink : Single 🟨Yellow : Talk with Same gender 🟦Blue : Others(You can write down your purpose)
・You can meet and talk with people who share the same purpose
・Standing style party, so you can easily move around to talk with a lot of people
Start 17:30 - Close 20:00
・17:30 - 17:45 Sign up & Get drinks We prepare wristbands so you may find our members easily.
・17:45 - 19:45 Fun chat & Make new friends This bar is standing style, so you can easily move around to talk with a lot of people. ・19:45 - 20:00 Closing time ◎About organizer: Welcome Tokyo "Welcome Tokyo" is a community that provides a great opportunity to make a lot of friends and experiences at many events in Tokyo. We have over 50K members and usually we've organize more than 100 events every month.
【RSVP & ALL events Schedules すべてのイベントスケジュール】
◎The venue : VOYAGER LOUNGE SHIBUYA is really cool bar restaurant. Inside of the venue is Nice lighting and stylish and. Drinks : 300 YEN : 42 kind of Cocktails / 12 kind of Soft Drinks 400 YEN : BEER!!! & 17kind of Bottle They Discounted for meetup time! ⚠Reservation required Show us the reservation page at the reception. (No Reservation: Entrance fee + 500yen or cannot join)
・Meetup time 17:30-20:00 ・Entrance Fee : 500yen per person ・Japanese Gentle man 1000Yen(500Yen if you have a reservation until 19th July) ・Place: VOYAGER LOUNGE SHIBUYA *2-6 Maruyama Shibuya Tokyo (map) ※Please show us your ID at the reception. NOT entry under 20. ※Drink is NOT included in the fee. You must to buy drink.
【Precautions for participation 参加前の注意事項 必読】 【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】
気軽に友達が作れる場所を探していますか?他のイベントに参加した際、せっかく出会ったのに参加目的が異なり、ミスマッチだった経験はないですか? イベントはカラーバンドで目的にあった参加者と楽しく話せます☆ Welcome TokyoのMake Friends Party ・リストバンドで参加目的にあった人達と話せる ・オープンマインドで国際的な人達と出会える ・スタンディング形式のイベントで、繋がれる ・自分が学んでいる(学びたい)言語のイン&アウトプットが出来る ・より会話が盛り上がる様、ジェンガやUNOなどゲームも用意してます 予約ページを提示ください
・参加費:500円 / 一人 (予約なしは参加費+500円) ・日本人男性 1000円(7/19以前予約500円)
#meetuptokyo #welcometokyo #tokyomeetup #bestpartytokyo #ウェルカムトウキョウ #国際交流パーティ #ミートアップ #友達作り
Ticket for RSVP
Ladies FREE