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Kickboxing lesson for beginner @Harajuku




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Kickboxing lesson for beginner @Harajuku
Kickboxing lesson for beginner @Harajuku

Date / Place

2021年3月28日 9:45 – 12:15

代々木公園, 日本、〒151-0052 東京都渋谷区代々木神園町2−1


Weekly Kickboxing Lesson

About Reservation : RSVP deadline is set by 6:00PM 1 day before. Plz contact me if you'd like to join if your RSVP after deadline. 予約は前日の午後6く時までに完了ください。6時に予約締切にセッティングしてます。そのあと参加したい人は、直接問い合わせください。

🎥Weekly Lesson Videoレッスンの様子

Do you want to start to kick off the exercise for your body in this year? Do you want to be a Stronger ? Are you interesting in Self defence?

◎Important Note◎

Plz have a reservation if you understand these rules. 下記のルールを理解する人のみ予約してください。

・In case of raining or etc、We will do practice under the Big bridge inside Yoyogi Park(No wetting on the floor) 雨等の場合でも


・We absolutely do the training if there is over one person at pickup. It will be cancelled in case of nobody comes to pick up time.待ち合わせ時間に誰もいない場合は、キャンセルにします。一人以上いれば必ず開催します。

・Plz contact me organiser before 13pm one day before the class if you gonna be late or your Cancel. 遅刻,キャンセルする場合は前日13:00時までに直接連絡ください。

※Welcome Tokyo will prepare your all goods of Kickboxing as reservation number on 13:00pm one day before. PRO Teacher comes to pick up goods at office from Chiba area in the early morning. 会社で予約分を前日13:00時に準備します。当日朝に

千葉からくるプロの先生が事務所でピックアップして、予約者全員分、手で運びます。 守れない人は二度と参加できません。

Cancellation and delay notices to below

※Plz notice us 1. Meetup name 2. event day and title 3.



・ Meetup message

Have you ever been?

The Kickboxing lesson that learning from PROFESSIONAL FIGHTER and TEACHER before? Yes you can have a traditional and original kickboxing experience now.We can have a lesson on the Green at yoyogi park thats so comfortable. You can take off your shose if you want.

【Event Schedules of ALLすべてのイベントスケジュール】

Very kindly Teaching lesson

Our Kickboxing lesson is supporting your level always. also,teaching in English(also Japanese too).so, Please feel Free to practice and Learn kickboxing skill . Welcome ladies.

What You can do by kickboxing skill when you learn the Kickboxing ?

・You can go on a diet as full your body....

・Self defense from the other person in case of emergency situation

・feeling super free

・Make you feel beter than before you start

・making you beautiful body

・You can have a brave in any situation

・You can make a nice muscles

・You can know the unknow world

・You can have a combination skil on Kickboxing

・You can have a basic skil of Kickboxing

About Skill for beginner and lesson

・How to stretching on your body

・How to hold the fist for punch

・How to make a pose of fighting

・How to stand and positioning

・How to Punch

・How to kick

・How to defence

・How to recieve

・How to think about Kickboxing

・How to use your body

・How to protect your body

・How to step

Pick up point


⭐︎You can come with your friends also , come by alone ⭐︎


○Meeting at entrance of Yoyogi park of Harajuku station side. Harajiku mon gate of park on 09:45AM -09:55AM

○training experience is for tow hour 10:00-12:00

○price : 1500 yen one person

※no insurances

Welcome ladies.

※Teacher was a Professional fighter and 14 years teach and fighting experience.

【Precautions for participation参加前の注意事項 必読】

【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】












If you want to know private lesson information

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