Friday Make Friends Meetup FunChat&Drinks@Akasaka British pub
☆This Party has special system☆ We provide wrist band and You can choose one color which is depend by the purpose of attending. So, you can talk and meet your best person at Party. You might have experience to meet new person and talk but, each other difference purpose to come meetup
Date / Place
2018年11月23日 19:15 – 22:30
ホブゴブリン, 日本、〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目13 東京都港区赤坂2-13-19多聞堂ビルB1
🎥Event Video雰囲気の動画 https://youtu.be/qyo6USJ40dw
Make Friends Meetup
☆This Party has special system☆
We provide wrist band and You can choose one color which is depend by the purpose of attending. So, you can talk and meet your best person at Party. You might have experience to meet new person and talk but, each other difference purpose to come meetup so, this color band help you to meet your best person他のミートアップに参加した際、せっかく出会ったのに参加目的が異なる事で、ミスマッチだったなどの経験はないですか?このカラーバンドであなたに合った目的の参加者と楽しく話せます☆
〇Just Example(I'm looking for..)
・Orange : For Fun Time
・Green : language Friends
・Pink : Single
・Yellow : Talk with Same gender
・Blue :Others(You can write down your purpose)
Do you want to make new friends ? Do you like Fun Chat & Drinks on Friday Night? We can be relax with internationals at great location AKASAKA British pub. Let's drink & do Games & have fun Chat at nice venue where is high roof and really wide venue. ☆ 外国人の友達はたくさん欲しいですか?原宿の最高にお洒落で天井が高く広々とした素敵な会場で、インターナショナルパーティに参加しませんか? 金曜日の夜に気軽に参加できてワイワイできる場所はありますか?ゲームをしたり、楽しい会話をしたりお酒を飲んだり、音楽を聴きながら楽しい時間を過ごしましょう☆
This Weekly Meetup: About 60-200 People are coming.
☆Let's make new friends at this time☆
※Important / Please RSVP as soon as possible予約してください。
Show us the reservation page at the reception予約ページを受付で見せてください。(No Reservation: Plus 500Yen or Can not join)
※Please, ask organiser "Is this WelcomeTokyo Meetup? " When you meet orgaoniserオーガナイザーにあったら、WelcomeTokyo Meetupか必ず最初に確認ください。
♪ Good news for you ♪
Deliver our information of discount, campaign and weekly events' schedule by "LINE"! WelcomeTokyoのディスカウント・キャンペーン・定期情報を配信中! LINE : https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40hzr6120r
◯This event is included...
※Private nice Big Space
①Super "Big Jenga"
③Trump Card game
④international karuta Japanese style
⑤Of course, Chatting with new friends
⑥Normal size Jenga
⑦Famous Pop Music
〇The Venue
Traditional BRITISH PUB "Hobgoblin Akasaka” in AKASAKA. The atmosphere is very nice and comfortable. The staff are of British and American nationality plus others☆. The store is of a traditional wooden and very nostalgic British venue. In addition, the location is super close to Akasaka station, just 2 minutes away.
◯Place : Hobgoblin AKASAKA *2-13-19 Akasaka, Tamondo Bldg, B1, Minato-ku, Tokyo https://goo.gl/maps/PNcMcazEizP2 (map)
◯Meeting point : Hobgoblin Akasaka * It's 2 minutes from Tokyo metro Akasaka Station exit No.2. Please come to the venue directly.
◯Meetup time 7:20pm-22:30pm
◯Meetup Fee : ¥500
.※Drink is not included, Please buy at store.
◯会場:Hobgoblin Akasaka British Pub 赤坂 *住所:東京都港区赤坂二丁目13番19号。
〇アクセス:赤坂駅2番出口から徒歩2分 地図の写真を見ながら会場には直接来てね! https://goo.gl/maps/PNcMcazEizP2 (map)
◯参加費 500円 ※ドリンクは各自購入ください必須。
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