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🏖The Beach Party ! (FREE/Lady) Crazy Game Meetup @Enoshima, beach




Pickup at South West(NANSEI GUCHI/南西口) exit of ODAKYU & KEIO LINE Between 10:00-10:15AM 東京出発組は下北沢駅でピックアップします。 🎥Event Movieイベントの様子 Hey Guys ! It's Beach time! I wanna you drunk on the beach !!🌞 ※About Drinks※ To drink any alcohol o

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🏖The Beach Party ! (FREE/Lady) Crazy Game Meetup @Enoshima, beach
🏖The Beach Party ! (FREE/Lady) Crazy Game Meetup @Enoshima, beach

Date / Place

2021年7月17日 12:30 – 17:30

藤沢市, 日本、〒251-0037 神奈川県藤沢市鵠沼海岸1丁目17−3 湘南海岸公園サーフビレッジ


About Reservation : Individual reservation is required for each person 個別での予約が必要 

🎁Summer Campaign🎁 ーFREE for Ladiesー Condition for Free entrance; 

1. Your reservation on meetup 

2. Get free ticket from the page 


3. Show the mobile ticket and your passport/register card at the reception.

  Pickup at South West(NANSEI GUCHI/南西口) exit of ODAKYU & KEIO LINE Between 10:00-10:15AM 東京出発組は下北沢駅でピックアップします。

  🎥Event Movieイベントの様子 

Hey Guys ! It's Beach time! I wanna you drunk on the beach !!🌞

  ※ All We can Drink(Beer Cocktail, Sour, Soft Drinks) 飲み放題です。 we prepare Soft Drink too ソフトドリンクも用意します。

 ☆☆【FREE FOR LADY!!】【FREE DRINKS FOR ALL BEACH GAMES】☆☆ 女性は参加費無料!  ドリンクは無料です! FREE WELCOME SHOT(At the front of Beach house) AND SUPER FUN GAME!!!!  The hottest Beach party with international friends ! Do you want to make new friends and drink a lot on the beach ?? We have a lot of games and good music with Drinks ! Of course Free Shot for you guys!! 特別なWelcomeTokyoのビーチパーティMeetup が今年もやってきました。日本ではあまり体験することのない最高なビーチゲームや国際色豊かな新しいお友達と皆で盛り上がりましょう!  We gonna dance and drinking and activity and chatting with the music together !! Actually , We can have a relax on the beach feel sunset moment .  ※Important / Please RSVP as soon as possible予約してください。 Show us the reservation page at the reception予約ページを受付で見せてください。(No Reservation: Plus 500Yen or Can not join)☆☆  

〇About GAME ゲームについて ・BEERPON ビアポン ・SLIP'N SLIDE DRINKING BEER GAME TEAM FIGHT! スリップオンスライダーゲームチーム戦!  〇Here Meeting point 待ち合わせ場所 

〇Exact location パーティのロケーション 

※You can Bring any guiter or drum or something !  

〇Scheduleスケジュール : ・13:00-13:15PM Pick up at the ticket gate of Train of ENOSHIMA ELECTRIC RAILWAY(Kugenuma kaigan station)

 ※You can buy drinks andfood at supermarket front of station after you arrive at Station. ・13:20 PM Leaving Kugenuma Kaigan station with attendee ・13:55PM Arrive at Beach Party area and set up Tent, Sheets, Games, changing clothes, ・around 14:20PM Start a Reception sign up and payment ・14:40PM~ Lets drink Free shot and do Cheers! Have a free time for 30 minute at beach. you can play and swim with everyone together! ※Please come back to Tent before 15:10PM ・15:15PM Starting Crazy Games all together! ・16:30 -17:30 Free time and Group photo and close 17:30  〇Details 



 ・PARTY TIME : 13:55 - 18:00 Please check the direction map if you be late . But We recomended to come to meet us at station. 


※※No Reservation : +1000YEN ※※※

 Ladies : FREE Entrance!

 Others: 1,500yen (including Free Welcome shot and sncks and Any beach games and Tubes and Nice MUSIC and Tent and Drinks for Bach Games and Sheets for game and your bag(small) ) Exact Food is NOT including, so please bring own Foods and Drinks if you want to eat and drink . 

 〇How to get to the closest station !!  アクセスについて Tokyo st (JR Tokaido honsen line )→ Fujisawa st (Odakyu enoshima line)→Kugenuma Kaigan st Shinjuku st (JR shonan shinjuku line )→ Fujisawa st (Odakyu enoshima line)→Kugenuma Kaigan st 1 hour Tokyo st (Odakyu odawara line )→ Fujisawa st (Odakyu enoshima line)→Kugenuma Kaigan st 1 hour Yokohama st (JR Tokaido honsen line )→ Fujisawa st (Odakyu enoshima line)→Kugenuma Kaigan st 30 minute Enjoy man !  About Surfing Rental Please ask me we can lent a surfing board at there. There are so many rental shop.4000yen /day for surfing if u want!  

XX KEN WelcomeTokyo Regular member team

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